
3:33 PM

Dress: American Apparel
Shoes: Juju
Bag: Nine West

I met Maya walking through Kikar Rabin in Tel Aviv- and immediately spotted her amazing style.  Her dress, from American Apparel, is one that I've been seeing everywhere.  I was just at the store earlier that day and wanted to get the checkered one, but put it off for another day.  

While I was doing this post, I came upon the website for Juju shoes- where Maya got her sandals from.  Can we talk about those sandals!  I'm not sure exactly where they sell them in Israel but they have a website based in the UK ( and I instantly fell in love with their Tumblr.  They post photos from other people/brands/models wearing their shoes and you just start getting all of these great ideas of what to wear them with- so inspirational <3 So fittingly I made you all a collage of some of my favorite photos, all from Juju shoes' Tumblr.  Now after you read this you will go out and buy a pair...because I know I will! How would you wear them? Dont forget to leave a comment below:)

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